[PS2 Game] Urban Reign
|Urban Reign (アーバンレイン, Aban Rein) is a multiplayer beat ’em up game developed and published by Namco in 2005 exclusively for the PlayStation 2.

Urban Reign features both single player and multiplayer action with both multiple AI opponents and human controlled characters on the same screen fighting at the same time. The characters can move in the environment, pick up weapons, throw objects, give instructions to AI partners, and pull off moves on multiple opponents. There are low and high grapples, air grapples, counters and recounters each with its own animations for each character. Although characters have optimal combo strings, most combos start with three presses of the attack button, the third of which will juggle an opponent. Then the player has the choice of an air grapple, special move, simply continuing the combo or running away to pick up a weapon or reposition.
Neutralizing attacks by opponents is done with a single button press that must be timed to the moment of the attack. Also, if the player presses up or down on the keypad while pressing dodge at the correct time, his character will reverse an attack, if possible. Even when cornered by multiple enemies, it is possible to dodge all oncoming normal attacks.
Finally, “special arts” can be pulled off with a press of two buttons. Special arts cannot be countered, reversed or dodged except by another special move, and they can be buffered. Characters have a “special arts meter” that must be at a certain level for a move to be attempted. The meter is expended when a move is pulled off, and increases when characters take damage, successfully dodge attacks, or strike their opponents with attacks.
Initially, it is not possible for two players to play through the single player missions together (unless unlocked with a cheat code at the title screen), but once unlocked, the game includes game modes for multiplayer action, including four-player brawls with a PlayStation 2 multi-tap and extra controllers.
Additionally, the characters from Tekken, Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law, are unlockable characters.
DOWNLOAD: Urban Reign
BACKUP LINK: Urban Reign